
Pre-Licensing Classes
Continuing Ed
In Person Classes
614-579-5300   Text Us   Info@HITIOhio.com

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Pre-Licensing Classes - Our goal is to be the best at preparing you to not only pass the National Home Inspector Exam, but to prepare you to perform real world home inspections for your clients. The differences below are not always readily apparent. If you are checking out other schools, be sure to ask questions so you know what they are offering.

  Home Inspector Training Institute of Ohio Our Competitors
All in person classes - All of our classes are in person. Most of our competitors classes are all or mostly conducted online.
All instructor led classes. Our entire class is instructor led. Some competitors classes are part self study or just a series of online classes to plod through. Instructor led classes allow for questions and additional instruction if a concept isn't clear.
Focus on hands on training - We have a furnace, water heater, flooring samples, insulation samples and many many other house components and parts in the classroom for you to see touch and handle. We believe hand on learning is much more effective than seeing a photo on a screen.
Fieldwork done in actual occupied and vacant homes - Our inspection fieldwork is done with an instructor in real world occupied and vacant homes. We feel this is the only way to gain practical experience. Some of our competitors ask you to inspect your own home and report back, have training homes with staged issues, or take you through a video of a home inspection online.
Includes tools needed to perform home inspections - Yes, some of our competitors include a few tools, we do not. You are going to need much more than a few tools though. See our list of recommended home inspector tools. Besides, you are going to be using these tools every day. You don't want someone else picking out your tools based on what is cheapest.